Monday, May 22, 2006

Michael Garcia's digital camera and it's pictures after the Pentagon bombing on 9-11

A waist coat worn in the Revolutionary War

George Washingtion's Uniform

British Loyalist Uniform from 1777

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Revolutionary Cannon Posted by Picasa

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The sword surrendered to George Washington after the Revolutionary War Posted by Picasa

Guns from the 'Americans At War' Wing Posted by Picasa

a nazi flag Posted by Picasa

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Huge picture taken after the bomb was dropped on Japan Posted by Picasa

The Helicopter from the front Posted by Picasa

POW uniform from 'Hanoi Hilton' Posted by Picasa

Helicopter Posted by Picasa

Airfone from flight 93, and ID badges from the Pentagon Posted by Picasa

From 9/11 Posted by Picasa

Berlin Wall Posted by Picasa

Congressional Medal of Honor Posted by Picasa

Congressional Medal of Honor Posted by Picasa

At the base of the Washington Monument Posted by Picasa

Washington Monument taken from the mall in front of the National Museum of American History Posted by Picasa

The top of the Washington Monument Posted by Picasa

The base of the Washington Monument Posted by Picasa

Capitol Building as seen from the Washington Monument Posted by Picasa